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Metric Socket Head Set Screw Kit

Stock #58-641 In Stock
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Product Details

  • English and Metric Kits Available
  • Includes Most Frequently Requested Socket Head Set Screws

The most frequently requested socket head set screws (S.H.S.S) are now conveniently being offered in English and Metric hardware kits. The rugged plastic box has 12 small compartments and closes securely to ensure organization. Inside cover label illustrates the position and the description of the included S.H.S.S and the appropriate replacement part numbers. Supplement your kit with allen wrenches, thread-to-thread adapters and other optical bench hardware. Individual packages of the English and Metric S.H.S.S. are also available.

Technical Information

For English SHSS Kit
Stock No. Description Quantity
#58-613 #¼-20 x ½" 100
#58-614 #10-32 x ¼" 100
#58-615 #8-32 x 1/8" 100
#58-616 #8-32 x ¼" 100
#58-617 #6-32 x 1/8" 100
#58-618 #6-32 x ¼" 100
#58-619 #4-40 x 1/8" 100
#58-620 #2-56 x 1/16" 25
#58-621 #2-56 x 1/8" 25
#58-622 #0-80 x 1/16" 25
#58-623 #0-80 x 1/8" 25
For Metric SHSS Kit
Stock No. Description Quantity
#58-625 M6X1.0 x 6mm 100
#58-626 M6X1.0 x 10mm 100
#58-627 M4X0.7 x 4mm 100
#58-628 M4X0.7 x 6mm 100
#58-629 M4X0.7 x 10mm 100
#58-630 M3X0.5 x 3mm Soft 10
#58-631 M3X0.5 x 3mm 100
#58-632 M3X0.5 x 6mm 100
#58-633 M3X0.5 x 10mm 100
#58-634 M2X0.4 x 3mm 50
#58-635 M2X0.4 x 6mm 50