- Thin 1mm Design for Space and Weight Constrained Applications
- Uncoated First Surface Provides Fresnel Reflection
- AR Coated Second Surface Provides High Transmission
- High Laser Damage Threshold to Prevent Laser Ablation

- 30 Arcminute Wedge to Minimize Internal Interference
- Wide Range of Splitting Ratios
- Fused Silica Substrate

- Many Beamsplitting Ratios Available
- Visible and NIR Coating Options Offered
- Multi-Layer AR Coated Second Surface
- C-Mounted Plate Beamsplitters Also Available

- Multiple Transmission/Reflection Ratios Available
- BBAR Coated Second Surface
- Fused Silica Substrate

- Circular Profile at 45°
- Visible and NIR Coating Options Offered
- Ideal for Diffuse Axial and In-line Illumination

- 50/50 and 30/70 Reflection/Transmission Ratios Available
- B270 Substrates for High Performance from 400 – 2000nm
- UV-NIR Versions Available

- Various Beamsplitting Ratios Available
- Insensitive to Angle of Incidence Changes
- VIS-NIR Versions Available

- No Ghost Images from Second Surface Reflections
- No Chromatic Aberration with Converging Beams
- No Change in Optical Path Length
- Pellicle Beamsplitters for the Infrared (IR) Also Available

- Uncoated First Surface Provides Fresnel Reflection
- High Laser Damage Threshold Coating on One Surface
- 10-5 Surface Quality

- Designs for Ti:sapphire and Yb:doped Fiber Lasers
- 90:10, 70:30, and 50:50 (R:T) Split Ratios
- Controlled Reflection and Transmission GDD

- Designs for 532nm and 1064nm Nd:YAG Lasers
- 80% Reflectivity at Nd:YAG DWL
- UV Fused Silica Substrates

- 45° Angle of Incidence
- Reflects S-Polarized Light, Transmits P-Polarized Light
- Available for Nd:YAG Harmonics and HeNe Wavelengths

- High Laser Damage Thresholds
- Excellent Surface Quality
- Insensitive to Input Beam’s Polarization State

- Wire Grid Technology
- Reflects S-Polarized Light, Transmits P-Polarized Light
- Ideal for High Temperature Environments

- Split Input Beam into Several Diffraction Orders
- 1 Dimension Array or 2 Dimension Matrix Outputs
- Designs for Nd:YAG and CO2 Lasers
- Compatible with Single Mode or Multimode Lasers

- Pre-Mounted 90 Degree Interface
- Four C-Threaded Mounting Holes
- Several Beamsplitting Options Available
- Additional C-Mounted Beamsplitters, Filters, and Mirrors Available

- 45/55 Average R/T Ratio from 3 - 5µm
- No Ghost Images from Second Surface Reflections
- Eliminate Beam Displacement
- Pellicle Beamsplitters for the VIS-NIR Also Available

- Beamsplitter Coatings Covering 1.5 – 14µm
- Designed for 50/50 Beamsplitting at 45° AOI
- Calcium Fluoride or Zinc Selenide Substrates

- Separate Visible Light from Infrared (3-12µm) Light
- Visible Transmitting/Infrared Reflecting and Visible Reflecting/Infrared Transmitting Designs
- Ideal for Combining Visible Guide Lasers with MWIR Lasers
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