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Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Plane Reflective Gold Diffraction Gratings

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Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Plane Reflective Gold Diffraction Gratings

Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Plane Reflective Gold Diffraction Gratings

Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Plane Reflective Gold Diffraction Gratings Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Plane Reflective Gold Diffraction Gratings
  • Optimized for use from 350-800nm (500nm) or 700-1600nm (1000nm)
  • Available in standard sizes 12.7 x 12.7, 25 x 25 and 30 x 30mm
  • Groove Spacing Tolerance <0.05%
  • Custom Sizes Available


Product Details

Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Plane Reflective Gold Diffraction Gratings are gold coated versions of the Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Plane Ruled Reflective Diffraction Gratings. They are available with blaze wavelengths 500nm or 1000nm and optimized for use at 350-800nm or 700-1600nm respectively. These ruled gratings are characterized by a superior efficiency at their design wavelength compared with holographic gratings. Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Plane Reflective Gold Diffraction Gratings are an excellent choice for spectroscopy setups using silicon detectors or fiber-optic telecommunication applications for which higher reflectivity in NIR/IR spectral regions is required. Custom sizes are available on request.

Note: The surface of these gratings is very sensitive and should never be touched when handling the optic. If cleaning is required, i.e. to remove dust particles, non-contact cleaning using clean compressed air is recommended.