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Edmund Deluxe 6X Wide Field Magnifier

  • Improved Design / Extra Long Eye Relief
  • Edmund Designed and Engineered
  • Over 1" of Working Distance Under the Lens Cell
  • Excellent Clarity and Sharpness to Lens Edge
  • 220° Cutaway Base Provides Easy Access to Magnified Area

 Edmund Deluxe 6x Wide Field Magnifier incorporates the hard-to-find combination of wide, flat field, high magnification, and abundant working distance under the lens. This magnifier is ideal for Graphic Arts applications, as its 220° cutaway base provides the room needed for critical touch-ups and minute mechanical changes to the subject matter. The crystal-clear acrylic base was specially designed to permit both easy accessibility of tools and light to the object. Edmund Deluxe 6x Wide Field Magnifier features a Double Achromatic Lens System for total color-correction, advanced AR lens coatings to minimize internal reflections, a wide, flat field design for distortion-free viewing, rugged black anodized aluminum lens cell, and a ring lock that sets focus for repeated use. 
