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Isuzu ISK171, 25 Dia., Heat Absorbing Colored Glass Filter

Isuzu ISK Colored Glass Heat Absorbing Filters

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IR Cut-Off Filter

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Diameter (mm):
25.00 ±0.25
Clear Aperture CA (mm):
Thickness (mm):
3.00 ±0.38
Parallelism (arcmin):

Optical Properties

Optical Density OD (Average):
4.33 @ 1064nm
Cut-Off Wavelength (nm):
643.00 ±13
Glass/Filter Number:
Isuzu ISK171
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Heat Absorbing Glass
Minimum Transmission (%):
≥70 @ 400 - 550nm
Index of Refraction nd:
Surface Quality:
Reflection Factor Pd:
Wavelength Range (nm):
300 - 2700
Surface Flatness (P-V):

Material Properties

Density (g/cm3):
Transformation Temperature (°C):

Environmental & Durability Factors

Operating Temperature (°C):
300 Maximum

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

  • Transmit Visible Light, Reject IR Radiation
  • Sharp Cutoff and High Absorption at Design Wavelengths
  • Available in 12.5, 25, and 50mm Diameters

Isuzu ISK Colored Glass Heat Absorbing Filters reduce the amount of heat transmitted through an optical system and are ideal for high intensity light sources and medical applications. These filter glasses provide maximum transmission over the visible spectrum while minimizing the transmission of infrared light. Isuzu ISK Colored Glass Heat Absorbing Filters can also be utilized as ultraviolet bandpass filters, as all glass types feature high UV transmission or as shortpass filters, to pass the visible and block the IR. Isuzu ISK Colored Glass Heat Absorbing Filters feature high optical density at 1064nm and are less hygroscopic than comparable heat absorbing filters. We recommend using a cooling fan with any of our heat absorbing products to reduce stress associated with excessive heat.

Technical Information

Compatible Mounts