Search Results for: Motorized Stages for Life Sciences(22)
Application Note
What is Imaging?
In imaging, light rays are mapped from an object onto an imaging sensor by an imaging lens, to reproduce the characteristics and likeness of the object for the purposes of inspection, sorting, or analysis.
Basic Principles of Raman Scattering and Spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is a technique used to identify the chemical composition of samples based on how light scatters off of them. Learn more & view related optics
Understanding Infinity Corrected Objective Resolving Power and Magnification
Microscopes are used in a variety of fields and applications. To understand how resolving power, magnification, and other aspects work, read more at Edmund Optics.
Assembling Compact Machine Vision Microscopy Systems with 120i Plan APO Infinity Corrected Objectives
Reduce the size and weight of your high magnification machine vision system with infinity corrected TECHSPEC® 120i Plan APO Infinity Corrected Objectives.
Liquid Lens Features, Applications, and Technology
Liquid lenses have many features, are small in size, and adjust focus quickly to adapt to objects located at various working distances. Learn more at Edmund Optics.
Power density, energy density, fluence, and irradiance are often incorrectly used in laser optics applications. Learn the correct definitions and usage.
Confocal microscopy provides high resolution, elimination of out-of-focus glare due to spatial filtering, and reduction of light-induced damage to the sample.
Keys to Cost Effective Optical Design and Tolerancing
Are you looking for ways to make cost effective optical designs? Find more information on selecting specifications and using tolerancing schemes at Edmund Optics.
An In-Depth Look at Spherical Aberration Compensation Plates
Spherical aberrations occur in any spherical optic and causes system performance to decrease. Learn how spherical aberration compensation plates can help at Edmund Optics.
Light sheet fluorescence microscopy uses a 2D laser sheet to illuminate a thin slice of the sample and excite fluorescence, reducing phototoxicity and damage.
Laser Polarization: The Importance of Polarization in Laser Applications
Understanding the polarization of laser light is critical for many applications, as polarization impacts reflectance, focusing the beam, and other key behaviors.
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