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Chromacity Ultrafast Lasers

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Chromacity Ultrafast Lasers

Chromacity Ultrafast Lasers

  • Low Cost, Compact Ultrafast (<150fs) Laser
  • Easy Setup with Intuitive User Interface
  • Long-term Stable Output
  • Compact Laser Housing and Power Efficient Laser Cavity


Product Details

Chromacity Ultrafast Lasers are designed to provide high power, stable femtosecond (fs) pulses in a robust, simple, cost-efficient system. Featuring a compact fiber-based architecture, these lasers occupy a fraction of the table space of comparable Ti:sapphire system and while being air-cooled and energy efficient. Utilizing fiber also makes the system inherently less prone to misalignment reducing setup times to only a few hours. Chromacity Ultrafast Lasers are available with either a 520 or 1040nm wavelength and with output powers ranging from 2 to 4W. These laser systems are ideal for a variety of imaging and research applications such as multi-photon microscopy, Supercontinuum generation, and quantum imaging.

Note: A video conference with a certified Chromacity Laser Engineer for laser setup is included with the purchase of any system.

The longer wavelength (compared with Ti:sapphire) of the Chromacity 1040nm laser allows greater depth penetration of samples and detection of multiple fluorescent markers. The high output power adds the flexibility to run several experiments while maintaining a good signal to noise ratio, and the high average power coupled with excellent beam quality ensures the highest intensities can be reached for driving non-linear effects such as 3-dimensional multiphoton imaging. The Chromacity 1040nm laser is ideal for applications in life science microscopy, including 2-photon and Second Harmonic Generation (SHG), Lightsheet/Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM), spectroscopy applications including FTIR for stand-off detection and process control, as well as fundamental spectroscopy research, material characterization applications including photopolymerization, nano particle deformation, and sintering, and fundamental photonics research in nonlinear optics, quantum communications, and quantum entanglement.

The Chromacity 520nm laser shares many of the same applications, and also includes applications in vibrational spectroscopy, and semiconductor fault analysis.

Technical Information