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Metric Rotary Stages

60mm Dia. Precision Rotary Stage, #55-029

60mm Dia. Precision Rotary Stage, #55-029 60mm Dia. Metric Rotary Stage, #55-030 #55-037 #55-038
  • Precision Micrometer Drive and Manual Drive Options
  • 360° Coarse Rotation
  • Micrometer Drive Models Provide ±5° Fine Rotation
  • Black Anodized Aluminum Construction


Product Details

Metric Rotary Stages feature slide-fit guide system, enabling 360° course rotation. Micrometer drive models feature a precision metric micrometer and a switchable clamp mechanism to change between course and fine movements for precise ±5° angular adjustment at any position. The manual drive model provides a smooth manual adjustment with 360° coarse movement, 1° increments. Metric Rotary Stages feature a locking mechanism to fix the stage position. For breadboard mounting, use the Metric Base Plates.