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ISP Optics Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coated Silicon Windows

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Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coated Silicon Windows



Product Details

ISP Optics Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coated Silicon Windows provide anti-reflection coating on one surface and a specially designed DLC coating on the other surface, making these windows highly durable and ideal for harsh environments. The DLC Coated surface is designed to withstand temperature cycling from -80 to +160°F, salt spray for a continuous period of 72 hours, and 1,000 wiper oscillations in a sand and slurry mixture. Further, these windows meet the MIL-F-48616 and MIL-C-48497C requirements for severe abrasion. Silicon features a Knoop Hardness of 1150 and low density, making it tougher than germanium substrates and suitable for weight-sensitive applications, respectively. ISP Optics Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coated Silicon Windows are engineered for 3 to 5µm, making them ideal for infrared defense applications such as thermal imaging.

Technical Information

Coating Specifications
Specification AR Coating DLC Coating
Adhesion per MIL-C-48497C per MIL-C-48497C
Abrasion Moderate, per MIL-C-48497C Severe, per MIL-C-48497C
Humidity 24 Hours per MIL-C-48497C 24 Hours per MIL-C-48497C
Salt Solubility - ≥24 Hours Immersion per MIL-C-675C
Salt Spray - ≥72 Hours per MIL-C-675
Temperature (°F) -80 to +160 per MIL-C-48497C -80 to +160 per MIL-C-48497C
Solubility and Cleaning per MIL-C-48497 per MIL-C-48497
Wiper - ≥1,000 Wipes of Sand/Slurry per TS-1888
Coating Temperature (°F) -80 to +160 per MIL-C-48497C -80 to +160 per MIL-C-48497C