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DOF 5-15 Depth of Field Target

DOF 5-15 Depth of Field Target

  • Test Depth of Field of Your Imaging System
  • Effective Measurement Eliminates the Need for Calculations


Product Details

DOF 5-15 Depth of Field Target was developed to standardize an area of optical tolerancing that is most commonly determined theoretically. Optical system design requires stringent depth of field specifications. This target eliminates potentially misleading depth of field calculations. This target solves the problem and very accurately determines the amount of shift an object can undertake before producing an unacceptable image. The definition of what constitutes an acceptable image is determined by the user and the application. The DOF 5-15 Depth of Field Target is made up of two sets of scales. Each, when viewed at 45°, consists of horizontal and vertical lines at a frequency of 5- and 15-line pairs per mm. Instructions included. 

Technical Information

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